“ So I had the opportunity to visit Europe in 1999 and see Europe up close, all over Europe.
But anyway, in my 1999 adventure trip to Europe, I had a
general overall impression of Europe as one big vast city continent.
AP writes: well i was not expecting a almost identical match up with WW1 where much of Europe was concreted-over as a
city continent and China one big farm field by 1916.
The environment of 1347 and 1916 left no room for Microbes to go but into humanity and its domestic plants
and animals- causing a pandemic of virus. Was it a peaceful years from
1340 to 1347 or were there signs of emanate war in China and
Europe? So was there a similar analogous social environment leading up to 1347?
So I am really really curious as to the social environment
of both Europe and China leading up to 1347.
Was there any wars imminent. ”